Now this was one of me and the misses most loved 'LOCAL'S that we every placed a dusty foot in, it's the Wedgetail Inn located in the middle of the Nulabore bush. Fairdinkum the only place more isolated then this place would of been our old home Caiguna Roadhouse, funny because Caiguna was just down the road (sixty six kilometers in fact). As the 'Wedgie' was the bar inside the Cocklebiddy Roadhouse, and at that time in our life was a home away from home.
The bar is a pretty layed back pub with a real aussie larrikin clientèle, having a night's drinking session in this place is a real eye opener mate. The usual night has a 'mix of types' of people from all different backgrounds. full of off duty roadhouse workers ready to sink a relaxing coldie, after spending the hot day working in a very isolated place. When you think if you drive West for 438kms you will pass two roadhouses before hitting a normal sized town called Norsman (pop-1600). And if you go East for 759kms you will pass eight roadhouses before reaching the township of Ceduna (pop-4000), strewth stone the crows this place is in the sticks. So if you want a good night out then 'your best bet' is to pull up a stool and settle down in your own Pub the Wedgie!
If you do spend a night bending the elbow in the Wedge then you better bring ya moolah mate as it costs $4 for a cold tinnie of VB (well it did when we were last there), and if you like a spirit then good luck to ya! The bar has a beaut restaurant just off to the side and a cool pool table, which is where you will usually find most drinkers sinking a few and hitting a couple.
So who are the 'Natives' who drink in this bar out in the middle of woop woop, well there's the workers as I said and they also get a fair few drinkers from down the road at Caiguna Roadhouse. Fairdinkum as you know I was one of these workers and I loved the quick 66kms drive to Cocklebiddy for a few tinnies and a chat to the other staff, specially one! There were the workers from the only real working station 'Arubiddy', which spans an area of 3200 square kilometres.... strewth! Now these blokes and sheilahs know how to drink believe me, we had some of the best work parties you can only imagine.
There was always a truckie in the bar at one time or another, some of them were locals even if they did live in Sydney or Melbourne which were only 3000kms away. And of cause there was always the tourist who were just passing through, and loved the opportunely to sit back and have a quiet drink and a beaut time with this mob from the bush.
Really this is a great Pub and if your ever given the chance to drive the Nulabore then just give it a whirl, fairdinkum if you take your time and stop at the Roadhouses you will meet the types of people that I've spoken off. And you will take away with you some of the best times you will ever imagine possible.